Here it is: A new way of developing essential skills to send youth forward. It’s what they need, it’s what they’re capable of, and it’s what they deserve.
Seen&Heard Has Three Phases
Phase One

Opening Act


Emotional Regulation

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Performance Check
Phase One is ten weeks. During this phase, cohorts meet weekly to work, practice and create together. Everyone is needed and everyone is valued. Two trauma informed teachers guide youth through concepts like mindfulness, emotional control, effective communication, and self-confidence with drama at the center of every lesson. At the end of Phase One, students present scenes they’ve been working on in a low-key open house with supporters they invite. Then, they journey on together towards Phase Two.
Phase Two

What's My Motivation?

Mindfulness in Action

What's Your Distortion?

ABC's of Emotional Regulation

Professional Communication

Distress Tolerance: Music and Meditation

Performance Check
Phase Two is eight weeks. Students remain in the same cohort to deepen relationships and build upon concepts from Phase One, while also adding more advanced skills. Phase Two focuses on active listening, achievement motivation, coping ahead, and stress management. These skills are developed though acting exercises and personal creations, with group de-briefs throughout. At the end of Phase Two, youth have the opportunity to participate in a graduation reception where student projects are shared and accomplishments recognized publicly.
Phase Three

Follow Up Support Groups
Seen&Heard Graduates have unique opportunities to explore connections through vetted professionals and partner organizations. They may choose to opt-in for one-on-one coaching, or train to be an Alumni Leader in order to give back to their community. Eligible graduates may also participate in our free summer program which includes driver’s education, behind the wheel instruction, and a personal DMV navigator for youth without adult support.
Every Seen&Heard graduate has a place to come back to, and our door remains open to all who desire connection. Students past and present stay connected in virtual and in-person gatherings throughout the year. To us, they remain seen and heard.
Are you a company or individual looking
to support youth entering the workplace?
Let’s connect! We are excited to meet you.